Really Right

Covering the Alternative Right, Paleoonservatism and Traditional Conservatism

Samuel Francis Quote

Mr. Francis was such a great writer and thinker, his death will be mourned by all Tradition orientated people.

Conservatives—real conservatives, at least, not classical liberals or neoconservatives—should not be surprised. Capitalism, an economic system driven only, according to its own theory, by the accumulation of profit, is at least as much the enemy of tradition as the NAACP or communism, and those on the “right” who make a fetish of capitalism generally understand this and applaud it. The hostility of capitalism toward tradition is clear enough in its reduction of all social issues to economic ones. Moreover, like communism, capitalism is based on an essential egalitarianism that refuses to distinguish between one consumer’s dollar and another. The reductionism and egalitarianism inherent in capitalism explains its destructive impact on social institutions. On the issue of immigration, capitalism is notorious for demanding cheap labor to undercut the cost of native workers. But it is not only in America that it has done so.” – Samuel T. Francis

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The Alternative and Reactionary Right on Twitter.

The Alternative Right has really take off on Twitter. Here are a few lists for the unacquainted to follow.
The reactionary Negro Sir_Geechie’s Twitter list:!/Sir_Geechie/altright

Candadian Libertarian Elitist Kalim Kassam’s Twitter list:!/kalimkassam/reaction

Young and astute Rightist blogger Nydwracu’s list :!/nydwracu/alt-right

Filed under: Alternative Right, paleoconservative,

Sam Francis on America

In the American Conservative magazine article The Paleo Persuasion Sam Francis wrote this insightful paragraph.

“Paleoconservatives , unlike libertarians, most neoconservatives, and many contemporary mainstream conservatives, do not consider America to be an “idea,” a “proposition,” or a “creed.” It is instead a concrete and particular culture, rooted in a particular historical experience, a set of particular institutions as well as particular beliefs and values, and a particular ethnic-racial identity, and, cut off from those roots, it cannot survive. Indeed, it is not surviving now, for all the glint and glitter of empire.”

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Alternative Right

Richards Spencer’s Alternative Right webzine is among the most influential alternative right sites on the internet. Well written and always interesting. Richard previously ran takimag and is currently the director of The National Policy Institute.

Alex Kurtagic
Richard B. Spencer
Editors Peter BrimelowPaul E. GottfriedMark Hackard, James Kalb, Nina Kouprianova, Colin Liddell, Scott Locklin, Andy Nowicki, Keith Preston, Derek Turner

Contributing Editors, launched on March 1, 2010, is an online magazine of radical traditionalism. It marks an attempt to forge a new, independent intellectual Right.

Filed under: Uncategorized

Amerika: New Right, Green Conservative, Conservationist, and Traditional Politics

Alternative Right Website Amerika’s self description.


Amerika is a type of civilization, not a place.

Comprised of equal parts liberal anarchism and commercial fascism, this type of civilization uses “freedom” and “equality”to create a society without standards, values or ideals.

The ensuing social chaos demands a strong force of control, found in commerce, media and government. Commerce ropes citizens into debt and jobs, media fills their heads with illusions, and government enforces profitable laws.

What results is a destruction of all culture and even self-reliance, instead producing a society of identical neurotic drones who depend on government, entertainment andsocial approval like a nursing calf.

The Amerikan type of civilization, anarcho-totalitarianism, is the end result of us reversing our thought process. We gave up on leadership and goals, and instead are following whims and social trends.

This blog offers an option:

  • Futurist Traditionalism: progress through the ideas of the past, and common sense ends-before-means thinking.
  • Deep ecology: the original conservative ideal is conservation of nature and culture together.
  • Radical honesty: with total realism, we can recognize the causes of our problems.
  • Paleoconservatism: traditional values, monarchism, caste and leadership by culture.

If we convince 5% of our fellow citizens of the above, a peaceful cultural revolution will lead to political change.

Either we continue our decline into third-world anarchy ruled by a totalitarian Nanny State, or we fix our reversed logic and make a renewed civilization that will rise above this chaos.

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